What does the SleeveCap achieve?
SleeveCap offers a budget-friendly solution for creating Temporary Movement Joints Sleeve swiftly, using standard post tensioning ducts. Effectively preventing shrinkage cracks by introducing separation between concrete elements, SleeveCap simplifies installation through a series of connected sleeves. Grouting is streamlined via secured tubes and grout connector ports, ensuring a clean and hassle-free connection. Explore our innovative approach to enhancing concrete structures and addressing shrinkage concerns.
Why do concrete joints require sleeving?
Sleeved Temporary Movement Joints provide a crucial allowance for independent shrinkage and movement of concrete elements over a defined period. This proactive approach minimizes cracking and enhances the efficiency of post-tensioned cables. Achieve structural integrity as real-world applications align more closely with engineered models through precise location and installation of sleeved Temporary Movement Joints.
Where are sleeved joints usually required?
TMJ Sleeving is usually required at concrete joints, including:
Basement Walls to Slab.
Capping Beam to Slab.
Footings to Slab.
Precast Elements.
Slab to Slab.
What are the benifits of using the SleeveCap?
SleeveCap leverages established sleeving elements with a proven track record spanning more than three decades, enhancing on-site efficiency and ensuring consistent, high-quality installations. Connecting SleeveCaps in series strategically places grout tubes near joints, minimizing the inconvenience of scattered tubes during surface finishing.
Elevate your construction process with SleeveCap TMJ for streamlined operations and improved overall quality.