What does the EndCap achieve?
Explore our innovative grout tube connection point designed for the termination of post-tensioning ducts, featuring the EndCap solution. This assembly not only ensures a secure connection for the grouting tube but also maintains a crucial air void at the end of the duct. Our technology enables a faster, safer, and more straightforward installation compared to traditional methods. Upgrade your post-tensioning system with our advanced solutions for enhanced efficiency and ease of installation.
Why do post tensiond structures require grout tubes?
The void within the duct allows for post-tensioning of the strand after concrete is placed and cured. After stressing, grouting provides the necessary mechanical connection between the strand and the concrete. Grouting also protects the strand from corrosion whilst providing additional safety in the event of a compromised tendon.
Where is grouting required?
Grouting is required where:
A bonded post-tensioned system has been designed.
A corrosive environment is present.
Designig to Australian Standard AS3600.
What are the benifits of using the EndCap grout tube connector?
The EndCap slides straight onto the end of a standard slab PT duct. Typical 16mm or 20mm grout tubes can be easily installed to the top of the EndCap. Strand location post pour is easy, as the grout tube remains directly abovce the duct at all times.
Efficient and consistent installation allows late installation of the grout tube, in turn preventing damage from other trades. Securing of the grout tube can be visually verified with confidence.
Alternative use case for the EndCap?
Reduce grouting times by providing an EndCap at mid duct run, allowing a relief valve and an asdditional grouting connection point if required, assisting with stubborn long runs.
Prevent cuts and abrassion injuries by temporarily securing strand ends within the EndCap. Keeping those sharp strands covered until they can be fully stressed and cut flush.